Spartan Multipurpose Pine Cleaner, Gallon, 4/ case

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Pine is a detergent concentrate fortified with pine oil, formulated specifically for those who appreciate the clean, fresh deodorizing properties of pine oil. The built-in cleaning power of distilled pine oil combined with other natural ingredients creates a visual "bloom" when Pine is mixed with warm water. Pine quickly penetrates and emulsifies dry as well as greasy type soils. The high concentration of pine oil in Pine's formula leaves cleaned surfaces and surroundings smelling forest fresh. Pine is recommended whenever odor control and deodorization. Pine may be used on floors, painted walls, woodwork, marble, plastic and other hard surfaces. Pine mixes well with hot or cold water, hard or soft, and may be applied with a sponge, mop or other appropriate equipment. Pine cleans and deodorizes in one application. Rinsing is not necessary.
Spartan Chemical Company
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